Growth And Other Lies Poster (2015) Video Download

Growth And Other Lies Poster (2015) Video Download 5,0/5 2898reviews

And Clouds”. Poster: Prez of Pauloba, Jess. Copa Venezuela. acompaar growth in tourist and hotel. The Pentgono and other agencies. Hd Video Download In This Corner Of The World (2017) more. TV no longer believe in the lies of. The activist mexican who, along with four other people, was brutally murdered July 31, 2015, in the colonia Narvarte of the city of Mexico, eight. There are many different ways to use our services to search for and share information, connect with other users, or create new content. Ilustración Medical – Medical Illustration. I had the pleasure of giving a lecture in the Course “Strabismus in the adult and the child with low vision” (2. Ana Wert and Josep Visa, estrabólogos of the IMO in Barcelona. As always, I give the dark themes of the speakers normal flee; on this occasion, my presentation dealt with the complex capsule of Tenon - pulleys muscle, component of the suspension system of the eyeball within the orbit and of great importance for the mechanics of the movement of the eyes. In simple terms, the Tenon's capsule is a sac or pouch where you will put the eye. To turn this bag has fixations with the eye muscles and the walls to orbital to keep the eye in place and stabilize the rotations of the globe. Tenon should be pronounced Spherical. The description of this important structure was made in the transition between the EIGHTEENTH and NINETEENTH centuries by the surgeon and anatomist French Jacques René Tenon, which this year marked the bicentenary of his death. He was born in Sépeaux (near Auxerre) in 1. Paris in 1. 81. 6, to the not inconsiderable age of 9. Funny, but the only portrait available of Jacques Tenon seems to be this small sketch made by Jean - Noël Halle when the surgeon was an old geezer of 9. Considering its origin * gabacho, the right thing would be to pronounce your last name with the tonic on the last syllable –cap, eye–, though not as much in Spanish as in English we usually put the accent on the first. We have already discussed this pronunciation is peculiar in other eponyms French, as Descemet or Fresnel. J. R. Tenon came from a family with medical tradition and studied in Paris in the shadow of the franco - Danish Jacques Winslow (yes, the hiatus), who was the director of his doctoral thesis: by cataracta, theses ex anatomia et chirurgia(1. From that year held the chair of Pathology of the College of Surgeons and was also a member of the Académie des Sciences. In 1. 80. 3 reported their studies on the fascia bulbar that now bears his name and the year of his death published Mémoires et observations sur l anatomie, pathologie et chirurgie, dedicated in large part to the diseases of the eye. Another field of interest of Tenon was the structure and development of the teeth, even though his research was mainly in horses. Original illustrations of the work of Tenon “Mémoires et observations sur l anatomie, pathologie et chirurgie”. Via kuenzigbooks and gallica. The third field where he Tenon was in public health and hospital management. Organized systems of vaccination smallpox, he worked in the inspection, reconstruction and reform of the appliance hospital (Mémoires sur les hôpitaux de Paris) and was chairman of the Committee of Public Safety in the early days of the Revolution. He was a deputy of the Assembly in 1. He did not return to Paris until the year before his death, due to the invasion of the Russian army at the end of the napoleonic wars. In Paris's Hospital Tenon, open from 1. Jacques. There was born Édith Piaf. How is the capsule of Tenon, As we said, the capsule of Tenon is the lining of the eyeball. It covers it completely except at the cornea and at the entrance of the optic nerve. The six eye muscles pierce the capsule to be inserted in the balloon and inside this sac the eye performs rotary movements. Reminiscent of a serous membrane like the pleura or the pericardium, but it is not, because it only has one layer and is not coated with mesothelium. In front, the capsule is covered by the conjunctiva and behind the sac tenoniano is the fat orbital. Shows the capsule of Tenon, in blue, is home to the eyeball, and their expansions in the form of sheaths, muscle, pulleys and ligaments orbital. Original image of Medical Illustration. The Tenon (please, write it with a capital initial) is also called the fascia bulbi or fascia orbito - ocular. This last appellation indicates the connections of the capsule with other ocular structures, such as described by its discoverer: Vista surgical space tenoniano during a strabismus surgery. The hook holds the muscle insertion on the sclera. You notice the Tenon just under the conjunctiva and the expansions that emergan of the sheath of a muscle. The pods of the eye muscles are fixed in the Tenon and emit expansions in the space intratenoniano: folds anemia of Guérin, and the membranes inter-muscular. There are also expansions, inter-muscular between the pods behind the globe and which form the septa of the cone muscle, although it is not a closed compartment. The complex Tenon - pods out ligaments that are inserted in the walls to orbital. The retináculos medial and lateral are inserted into the orbital rim along with the tendons cantales and stabilize horizontally on the globe. The ligaments veticales are more complex: the top includes the complex superior oblique - superior rectus - levator of eyelid - ligament of Whitnall; the lower one involves the fascia capsulopalpebral (inferior rectus - inferior oblique - lid retractors) and the ligament of Lockwood. The function of these ligaments, we will discuss in the next section. The capsule and the space of Tenon are sites of abundant traffic surgical Ophthalmology. There are many procedures in which it opens this space: in the surgery of glaucoma –“lock” or implants, valve– in removal of pterigion, conjuntivoplastias, reconstruction of the ocular surface, cerclajes for retinal detachment, placement of plates brachytherapy, fenestration of the sheath of the optic nerve, enucleations, evisceraciones and, of course, in almost all of the operations for strabismus. This is why almost all subspecialties oftalmólogicas intersect with Tenon at any time. Threaten the Tenon during these interventions may lead to serious problems of scar limiting the ocular motility.