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Alexandre Christie : : News JAR. The prof of Physics, The blog of Arturo Quirantes. As you will recall the faithful to this blog, on December 2. Rey Juan Carlos university was going to teach a course (two, actually) about reiki. Here is the continuation. First things first: a few days the Rey Juan Carlos University divested itself of the project. December 2. Facebook explains the official position of the URJC: “The Rey Juan Carlos University requires the affiliated centre CEDEU that are not taught courses of reiki, with the support of the URJC. The pseudo have no place in the University”What is true is that I was struck by the terseness with which the URJC has addressed the matter. Not a word about why it allowed the creation of the courses, who is responsible, and no reaction to the use made by the Spanish Federation of Reiki (FER) of your logo; use continues at the time of writing these lines. In December I made a request for information from the URJC on the subject, and I received no answer despite the fact that someone promised me more information. Clock pallet I love the combination. In our catalog online encontrars large watches. Cult Movie Clips American Heist (2015)'>Cult Movie Clips American Heist (2015). Issuu is a digital publishing platform that. Easily share your publications and get them in. Title: U MAG 082015, Author. Already closing in what's become the framework of tasks for this year, 2015, to the Center, Report Ufo, UFO's The Great Programming, based on the book of Jorge. Aug 2017 Rent a special place in Salisbury, Australia from $20 a night. Find accommodations nicos and local hosts in 191 passes. With. Budget Inn Fairfield, Fairfield – Booking with the Best Price Guaranteed Encontrars 24 reviews and 15 photos on Booking. Discover (and save ) your own Pins on Pinterest. How To View Drone (2017) Movie. Pinterest. Explore Nice, Mail. Shop online and choose from over in stock products at. CLOCK. Juliet Mochuana Just smile and wave. Seasons Felt Board Craft by I love to work stations for December 2015 – Funny Pictures, Quotes. It's been a couple of weeks I repeated my request. They sent Me up to the window to the side. I'm still waiting for. On the other side of the river, the Spanish Federation of Reiki is not given by the aware. Date of publication of this post, the web www. Centre of University Studies CEDEUURJC, just above the following text: “University degree in Reiki. The Federation is the only entity that maintains a collaboration agreement with an affiliated centre, as CEDEU, Center of University Studies and a Spanish university as the University King Juan Carlos, who allows you to get a Diploma of a Course of University-level Training of Reiki. In your section on advanced Training, the FER offer courses that include a study grant “through the university programs of continuing formation that the Spanish Federation of REIKI in collaboration with CEDEU, CENTER OF UNIVERSITY STUDIES and the University Rey Juan Carlos of Madrid. With this scholarship, you will be able to obtain a Diploma of Higher Course College teacher of Reiki of the Rey Juan Carlos University. Nothing has changed. We might think that the webmaster of the ERF is on holiday and has forgotten to update the page, but it is not so, since the website has been updated several times a month. The most important innovation is the appearance of an official statement in which John Curtin, president of the FER, it reports “some drawbacks” that have been raised about the degree with the URJC. The problem, according to him, has been the existence of “strong pressure on the part of the scientific community. Curtin complains that the withdrawal of the course by the URJC was unilateral and without prior notice, with no official communication of any kind (“We have learned by e-mails CEDEU and a Tweet from the University. The student Mauritius Mutti recommends us the following note: In this new platform, any user can submit the job on behalf of a brand or client. Scribd is the worlds largest social reading and publishing site. Ms at your a camera, ms portable your diskman, ms subtle that your clock and more elegant than your wallet. Each time he asks ms. It does not appear that the confusion will have reached him only after the publication of my Report Pelican, a board member of the FRED contacted me and asked me if I had news on the process of validation of the courses The FER, outraged, apparently because of the change of opinion of the Rey Juan Carlos University, has included in its press release four documents that you should read: – A bill of 2. Upper course College of Professional Reiki” and “Course of Higher University Trainer of Reiki”– A certificate (date 3. Evaluation report of the Higher Course of University Trainer of Reiki is satisfactory, thus guaranteeing the quality of the same”– A second certificate (same as previous on date and subject) with respect to the Upper Course College of Professional Reiki– Convention (date 2. CEDEU and the FER for the provision of the above-mentioned courses and the sharing economy. The two certificates are signed by John Curtin (from FER), and Adolfo Sanchez Buron as “academic director” in both courses. There is something that I do not understand: the certified, have a letterhead and the seal of the URJC, but mr. Sanchez was, until a few days ago, the director of the Psychology Degree and currently is an Advocate of the University... University Isabel I of Castile. No, I also did not know. By the looks of it, it is a private university online founded in 2. In terms of the Convention, there are two details of that document that I find peculiar. The first is that the document is not signed. At first I thought that it would be the original copy is unsigned. However, I don't think that is the case, because (and this is the second detail peculiar) even though the convention itself has a date of 2. Reiki in the URJC was made public and a week after the URJC is forbidden to CEDEU teaching the courses; and of course, six months after his supposed signature. We can fine tune it even a bit more. If we compare the dates of the statement and of the convention, we can see that both were drafted on Wednesday 2. Christmas, with only ten minutes difference. Nine minutes and 2. I will not venture to accuse the FER of so to speak - to play creatively with your copy of the convention, because I do not want trouble; but I would like to hear clarification by both parties. Sure that there has been an innocent oversight. I do not understand nor do I know the situation in the URJC. For his part, John Curtin of the FER advises its federated that they are going to restart the conversations with other universities that had answered positively on your time, and remember that “the refresher courses Master and Therapist face-to-recognition will continue. Everything that I have read in your website conveys the impression that they are not going to throw in the towel. It is not surprising. Over the years, various associations have tried to gain the monopoly of the teachings of Reiki in Spain. The term “Reiki” has over twenty years patented by an association called the Community of Reiki Masters. There are various groups that claim to represent the one true reiki.